Tuesday, July 5, 2011

#0006 Thank GOD I pass

Setiap kali memikirkan result exam, aku mesti akan rasa x senang, jantung berdegup kencang menunjukkan betapa cuaknya aku. Actually keCUAKkan tu disebabkan oleh satu unit, Transport Phenomena yang aku x berapa nak yakin dapat pass. That unit consists of Heat transfer Operation, Mass Transfer Operation and Fluid Mechanics and FYI I use to REPEAT all the units except for Mass Transfer cause i got supp for it n pass. Supp pun kira fail gak la kan cause the mark is below than 50 even the grade stated is PX. One more reason yang menguatkan lagi perasaan bakal2 fail ni ialah pasal project TP yang almost everyone in the batch been deducted due to the plagiarisme ><". Well the project given actually ada solution, so of course la orang akan follow solution tu kan? macam pepatah "orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal". Dah tgh blur x tau camne nak jawab soklan project and suddenly the solution ada depan mata konfem la orang guna solution tu as reference.

During TP final exam, i seriously F*** up my exam. Before the project mark is been deducted, I only feel that i can pass the unit cause I only require 13 more marks since my internal is 37+. Then suddenly few days later, my lecturer called almost everyone in my batch about the project and my internal mark drop from 37--->30 damn it! So during semester break i brought my TP notes home to prepared for Supp. So last night ends my nightmare, I manage to pass all my units!!! Thank god I really cant afford to fail anymore unit!!! I think my lecturer, really kesian with me so he help me to pass the unit since the mark really ngam2 pass.

So starting for the coming semester, I'm no longer sponsored by MARA. I really feel guilty to my parents since they need use their own money to support my studies. Orang lain buat engineering course 4 tahun je aku plak buat 5 tahun dah macam budak medic =.=". Ape2 pun benda dah terjadi x leh nak ubah balik pun so, I should focus on my studies and make sure to improve my result insyaALLAH.