Friday, July 8, 2011

#0007 Scaling My Teeth NGEEEENNGGG *Drilling sound*

This afternoon I went for scaling for the first time in my life. FYI my teeth is not that pretty plus, I use to smoke a lot and the tar from smoking has made quite an art to my teeth like a graffiti. The "graffiti" cant be removed just by brushing your teeth or using ZACT toothpaste. The pictures below show MY "rusty teeth" before and after scaling is done. You can see clearly there are lots of TARTAR (=_=")

Before Scaling (Giler berkarat LOL)
After Scaling (all the "Karat" gone already ^^)
I took the picture by myself so just bear with the quality lorr. Anyway here another set of clearer pictures

Before Scaling
After Scaling
I seriously hate the scaling process, since the process is so "Ngilu" ergghh... (idk what is ngilu in english). Sometimes your gum also will bleed since the dentist need to dig in deep into your teeth/gum to ensure all the tartar is cleaned properly. Anyway the process is not that long so just bear with it and you will satisfy with the result. I did the scaling at Sungai Petani and it cost me RM180 (Damn EXPENSIVE rite?!). Btw theres a cheaper alternative where you can do the scaling at Government Hospital/Clinic for RM1 but you need to make appointment first and ya sometimes the result is not that satisfying. Anyway the choice is up to you. Scaling has a lot of benefits such as to prevent dental inflammation, make your teeth prettier, etc. You can read more about it here.

Other references:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

#0006 Thank GOD I pass

Setiap kali memikirkan result exam, aku mesti akan rasa x senang, jantung berdegup kencang menunjukkan betapa cuaknya aku. Actually keCUAKkan tu disebabkan oleh satu unit, Transport Phenomena yang aku x berapa nak yakin dapat pass. That unit consists of Heat transfer Operation, Mass Transfer Operation and Fluid Mechanics and FYI I use to REPEAT all the units except for Mass Transfer cause i got supp for it n pass. Supp pun kira fail gak la kan cause the mark is below than 50 even the grade stated is PX. One more reason yang menguatkan lagi perasaan bakal2 fail ni ialah pasal project TP yang almost everyone in the batch been deducted due to the plagiarisme ><". Well the project given actually ada solution, so of course la orang akan follow solution tu kan? macam pepatah "orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal". Dah tgh blur x tau camne nak jawab soklan project and suddenly the solution ada depan mata konfem la orang guna solution tu as reference.

During TP final exam, i seriously F*** up my exam. Before the project mark is been deducted, I only feel that i can pass the unit cause I only require 13 more marks since my internal is 37+. Then suddenly few days later, my lecturer called almost everyone in my batch about the project and my internal mark drop from 37--->30 damn it! So during semester break i brought my TP notes home to prepared for Supp. So last night ends my nightmare, I manage to pass all my units!!! Thank god I really cant afford to fail anymore unit!!! I think my lecturer, really kesian with me so he help me to pass the unit since the mark really ngam2 pass.

So starting for the coming semester, I'm no longer sponsored by MARA. I really feel guilty to my parents since they need use their own money to support my studies. Orang lain buat engineering course 4 tahun je aku plak buat 5 tahun dah macam budak medic =.=". Ape2 pun benda dah terjadi x leh nak ubah balik pun so, I should focus on my studies and make sure to improve my result insyaALLAH.

Monday, July 4, 2011

#0005 Part Time job

Sepanjang 1-3 Julai 2011 aku ada buat kerja sambilan semasa BN Youth Job Fair '11 kat IKM Sungai Petani, Kedah sebagai penjual air~

First day aku menjual, x berapa laku cause lokasi x strategik (tersembunyi kat pondok jaga) plus terdapat persaingan ngan penjual air kat luar IKM yang lebih banyak variety air minuman huhu.

Second day aku pindah stall aku betul2 kat depan khemah job fair tu, walaupun terpaksa berpanas sket tapi memag berbaloi coz jualan memang laju ^^. Lagipun aku tukar strategi ngan turunkan sket harga to give competitive advantage to my products compared to my rival. Before this, harga drinking water aku letak RM 1, can drinks beside coke RM 1.60, n coke RM 1.80. Aku selaraskan balik harga drinking water RM 0.80 n all can drinks RM 1.60.

Third and the last day, jualan x berapa laju coz hujan, aku bukak stall pun lambat bajet nak tgu hujan redup last2 sama je huu~ anyway jualan untuk the third day still better than the first day. Modal dapat cover balik ngan sikit untung daripada jualan air minuman tu. Banyak jugak la air yang x habis jual but since modal dah dapat balik, air yang lebih anggap air yang dapat free jela buat hidang tetamu yang datang rumah.

Anyway aku boleh conclude kat sini beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi jualan:
- Location of the stall (kena strategik, orang senang nampak)
- Weather (sells are proportional to the temperature lol)
- Sell less carbonated drinks (orang sekarang dah mula ada kesedaran tentang keburukan minuman gas, so they lagi prefer air macam cincau n soya)
- Barang jualan kene ada competitive advantages (price, variety of choices) if there is business rival

Anyway, pasal job fair, aku ada la masuk kejap tgk apa yang dioffer kat dalam banyak la jawatan kosong untuk kerja kilang and pejabat. Jawatan2 executive cam engineer pun ada gak, aku x de apply apa2 pun coz x habis study lagi (=_=") cuma nak try tengok if there is any internship position offered. Cuma satu jela, aku dah daftar as pemilih coz alang2 kaunter daftar pengundi dah ada kat situ, sebelum ni banyak kali dah nak register tp asyik terlupa.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

#0004 Double eyelid surgey

Double eyelid surgery adalah antara pembedahan kosmetik yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh artis korea. Basically the surgery is done to make your eyes look bigger and rounder as shown in the picture below.

UEE, anggota kumpulan K-POP After School adalah contoh artis yang pernah menjalani double eyelid surgery. Perbezaan ketara boleh dilihat dalam gambar di bawah. Aku pilih UEE as reference cause aku minat ngan dia pas tgk dia belakon jadi pompuan jahat dalam drama "you are beautiful"

Anyway, for me i dont really agreed with plastic surgery untuk kecantikan semata2 since we are beautiful as we are but in certain cases where there are flaws pada diri macam xde hidung, mulut sumbing ke, yang boleh membawa kemudaratan, keaiban serta memalukan barulah plastic surgery ni dilakukan as the last resort. If you want to learn more about the double eyelid surgery you may click on the references.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

#0003 HOTMAS restaurant, Sungai Petani

Situated at Taman Lagenda Indah, Sg. Petani, Kedah, HOTMAS is one of my favorite eating spot in Sungai Petani. The restaurant always full at night so i usually went there around 6~7 PM before the peak hour.

The restaurant serves both western and Malay foods, but my only reason to go there is because of the western foods. The price also quite cheap compared to other places, plus the portion of the food is a lot ^^. You can see the menu and foods serve in the pictures below.

These are what my mom and I ordered for dinner just now, Nasi paprik and Lamb chop. I put the 50 cents coin next to the food for easier comparison.

The pros
-The food's taste is quite good
-The food's portion is a lot ^^

The cons
-There is no non-smoking area
-always full at night >.<"

Overall 7/10

Monday, June 20, 2011

#0002 Which one do you prefer? organic or non-organic?

The Chinese are the best in producing counterfeit goods, they even capable of creating their own artificial foods such as eggs and pig intestine using chemicals.

Not to forget the Japanese also capable in producing their own foods like the Chinese, the only different is the food produce by the Japanese is purely "ORGANIC". Dont believe me? try this

#0001 Little bird~

Found this injured bird while strolling around the house. Dunno what to to do with it so i just left the bird where i found it. Hope there is no lucky cat around to claim the free dinner =.="

I wonder what is it called? it looks more or less like a chick to me~

On separate matter, i prefer watching movies on TV rather than using my laptop. The problem is all the latest movies are in my harddisk =.=" and i dont have any media players that can play the movies on TV. Then i saw the the old PS2 near the TV which give me a ray of hope since i use to read it somewhere on the net that PS2 can be use to play Divx, Xvid, video files. After do a bit of goggling i manage to find the method to convert my PS2 as a media player. It costs me 2 blank CDs for me to understand properly how to load the application into the PS2 in order to play the video files. Now i can enjoy watching movies using TV without need to use s-video cable or buying new media player ^^ The only drawback is that PS2 only can read files from FAT/FAT32 usb drive so i cant plug in my external hd directly to browse my movies library since i use NTFS >.<" zzz

Oh ya, the apps that i use to play divx movies is known as SMS player